Saturday, September 15, 2012

Hello World Conner Drake

Cols and I woke up early today because we were supposed to drive Ethan to Xavier for his Saturday make-up class.  But because its been raining heavily the whole night, the school decided to postpone the make-up class.  Cols and I proceeded to Cardinal Santos to have a check-up since she is scheduled to give birth already anytime this week.  The maternity unit said she is already open 2cm and when they contacted Dr. Madamba, she told the staff to inform us to come back later in the day to induce labor already.

We went home first to have lunch and relax a bit.  We drove back to Cardinal Santos around 4:30pm.  When we got to the maternity unit, we were surprised when they told us Cols is now at 5cm and can give birth in 2 hours time!

I proceeded to the admission counter while they prepared Cols to go into labor.  By around 8:30pm, Dr. Madamba predicted baby will be out by around 9pm.  So at quarter to 9, we were moved already from the labor room to the delivery room.  With just a couple of push, and almost right on the dot, Conner Drake popped out of his mom's tummy!

Conner weighed in at 6.7 lbs.

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