Thursday, May 27, 2010
Experimenting with VMWare
Mysterious Phone Bills from PLDT and Globe
Perhaps coincidentally, our store Globe landline bill also has suspicious calls to Sun and Globe/TM. After talking with our store managers, and making actual calls to the suspicious number reveals that the calls could not have originated from the store. So I also called up Globe call center to complain.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Mushroom Burger @ Katipunan
Saturday, May 22, 2010
3D is here to stay
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Crave Burger @ White Plains
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Peace and Quiet with my New Power Supply
Well, that high-pitched sound has made me reach my limit today. I really could not think straight with that annoying sound. I was suspecting that perhaps this sound is from my CPU's fan. So I called our tech guys for help and they diagnosed the problem to still be related to my power supply.
The guys replaced my generic power supply with a branded one from HEC. This power supply costs about Php3k, but let me tell you -- its worth every peso! I don't recall my office room to ever be this quiet! Its like there's no PC running. Sure, a generic power supply costs only between Php500 to Php1k. But the lost productivity is probably worth more than the Php2k differential.
Monday, May 10, 2010
RCBC Lookalike
While driving along Concepcion, Marikina, I saw these business signages side by side. To the left is the bettern known logo of Rizal Commercial Banking Corporation (RCBC). To the right, using a similar font with the same size is "RGBC". I'm not sure what business they're in, but I can imagine the RCBC bank manager must be irritated by their next door copycat. :)

National Election Day

Saturday, May 8, 2010
RFID @ Greenhills North

You will see a big black box in the photo mounted to the pole. Its a big RFID reader. It scans for the RFID sticker which is mounted behind the rear-view mirror of the car. When it detects and validates that the RFID is valid, it opens and gate and lets you in! This allows for a completely unmanned system.
The system does not come cheap. Greenhills North charges P1,000 per RFID sticker. The reading distance is respectable. My estimate is about 3 meters at least. And it can read through the windshield. From my experience, certain windshield material or angle can distort radio waves. Our automatic gate antenna, for example, has problems receiving signal from the remote control when I'm inside our Toyota Altis. I usually have to open the window and stick out my hand so that the antenna can detect the signal. The same is not true for the other cars.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
How to Disable the Dumprep in Windows XP
Oftentimes, when a Microsoft Windows application encounter an unexpected problem, it seems to freeze and manually terminating it via Task Manager does not seem to have any effect. It remains as "not responding". A view of the processes running will reveal something called dumprep.exe.
This internal program basically dumps a state of your system and sends it to Microsoft for further analysis. I assume it takes a snapshot of your memory and internal Windows configuration. Not that it is of much use. With millions of PC's worldwide generating these dump reports, I'm sure nobody at Microsoft actually bothers to analyze the data.
Therefore, to make your PC run faster, you can tell Windows not to bother with the report and just immediately terminate the offending application. To disable dumprep in Windows XP, do the following:
- Right click on “My Computer,” choose “Properties” from that menu.
- Click on “Advanced tab,”
- Click the “Error Reporting” button.
- Check the “Disable error reporting” box.
That's it! Crashing and restarting should be faster after that.