Thursday, December 24, 2009
The Papal Prophecies and Judgement Day
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
The Doomsday Seed Vault
Friday, December 18, 2009
Checks to become extinct in UK by 2018
The author brings up an interesting point of what happens to the older generation who just don't want to go online? For e-commerce players, this is good news as this will open up more interest especially with direct bank debit payment options as it doesn't have the disadvantages of credit cards, and yet, have all the advantages of being able to do realtime payments.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
YCMK Christmas Party 2009
From YCMK Christmas Party 2009 |
The party started a bit late -- around 9pm. We had to close the store earlier than usual to give the staff enough time to clean-up and drive over to our place. Dinner was immediately started upon their arrival. Winston invited his barkada over to add to the merriment.
From YCMK Christmas Party 2009 |
During dinner, carolers arrived and rendered several Christmas songs to entertain the crowd. The kids and the guest (mom, grandma, Tito Bert and Tita Lucy) enjoyed the singing and playing of live instruments.
From YCMK Christmas Party 2009 |
The evening's program started with some ice-breaker games. The highlight, however, was the presentation of the three groups -- tele-cashier/managers, kitchen crew and the riders. While the hilarious antics of the riders brought the house down, the overall execution and costume of the kitchen crew (aka. Jabamonkeys) won them the nod of the judges.
From YCMK Christmas Party 2009 |
Friday, December 11, 2009
Cousin Sharon's Wedding
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Using RCBC Access One Internet Banking
Monday, December 7, 2009
What Are People Buying Online?
What are they buying? Well, if the survey is to be believed (and I do question Nielsen data every now and then also):
- Books (41%)
- Clothing/Accessories/Shoes (36%)
- Videos/DVD/Games (24%)
- Airline Tickets (24%)
- Electronic Equipments (23%)
The biggest increase has been on clothes. 2 years ago, only 20% of buyers have bought clothes online. It has almost doubled since. According to the same survey, more than half of Internet users are regular online shoppers (meaning they purchase more than once a month). The article did not specifically mention which markets the study was based on.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Star Trek 2009
Star Trek 2009 is actually a prelude to the original Star Trek series. But since it was done 2009, computer-generated imagery has greatly improved. The story started with the birth of James Tiberius Kirk amidst a battle. It also explained how he got his name -- "James" from his maternal grandfather and "Tiberius" from his paternal grandfather. It also showed the early years of all the other casts of the Enterprise bridge -- notably the young versions of Spock, Scotty, Chekhov, Sulu and Uhura.
Zachary Quinto played a great Spock. He does have some semblance with Leonard Nimoy (the original Spock), who was also in the film as the older/original Spock, now an Ambassador, who got sucked back through time because of a wormhole. Zachary is better known to sci-fi afficionados as Sylar, the baddie at the hit TV Series Heroes. I admit it still takes me some effort to see him as anyone other than playing the bad guy. And at first, his young Spock character was the antagonist of the young Kirk.
Eric Bana as the Romulan bad guy Nero was unrecognizable under the heavy make-up. Zoe Saldana as the young Uhura was pretty hot. The romantic twist between Uhura and Spock felt odd though as there were no hints in the "future" Star Trek of any relationship between them.
The film's action and special effects were pretty good. The plot is a bit far-fetched and I'm not too sold on the idea of the person meeting his own future self (ie. young Spock meeting old Spock at the ending). I guess I've always subscribed to the Back to the Future concept where ones present self cannot meet his future or past self without causing a major rift in the space-time continuum. :) But overall, I give the film a two thumbs up.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Busuanga Day 3
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Day 2 at Club Paradise in Busuanga
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Our Palawan Anniversary Honeymoon
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From Busuanga Day 1 |
Friday, November 13, 2009
Underwater Casing for Canon EOS 400 Digital SLR

The pack costs PHP3,500 and is sold by Abacus Computer. I saw it a few months ago and have been planning on getting one. Since we're off to Busuanga tomorrow, I decided its finally time to get it. Just think of it as my advance birthday gift to myself.
Everytime we go to the beach, we always think of buying a disposable underwater camera. I figure the one-time cost of this pack should be cheaper than buying disposable cameras in the future. Its certainly cheaper than buying those new underwater point-and-shoot cameras by Canon, Olympus, etc.
Upon getting home, I performed the waterproof test suggested by the store. Put tissue inside and submerge the casing under water. If the tissue shows wetness afterwards, there must be a hole in the casing so return it for warranty. But then, since we're already leaving tomorrow for our trip, I just have to hope that nothing goes wrong with this unit. Will be posting my underwater photos from Busuanga soon!
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Subic Day Trip

We left house past 9am because we were waiting for Cols' Punchdrunk Panda laptop sleeve to arrive. Since the courier was running late, we decided to just leave. While along North Ave., Ado decided to try a newly opened highway that is supposed to connect to NLEX. As it turned out, portions of the road is still not completed so we ended up driving through narrow streets along a row of factories until we eventually connected to NLEX. That wasted a bit of time, but we made up for it once we got onto NLEX and then to SCTEX.
We reached Subic around lunch time. So our first task was to look for a restaurant. Not finding any Filipino restaurant, we ended up in some Chinese dimsum place. Not wasting time after a quick lunch, we headed to the Royal Subic Duty Free shopping area. I went to the different Nike outlets but they are all selling broken sizes -- none for my size 8-1/2" foot. Bummer.
While waiting for Cols at Royal Subic, I got a phone call from my brother-in-law Leslie. He just called to let me know that Nikki has been hospitalized due to something in her colon (diverticulitis?). They did not want to call Dad directly as he might panic. So it was passed on to me to tell him the news and try to explain it as clearly as possible. But still, as expected, Dad panicked a bit when I called. Les assured us though that Nikki is fine and that we can call him the next day (their time) to find out more.
After shopping, we drove a bit further towards Ocean Adventure. The kids wanted to see the wild monkeys along the roadside. Sure enough, I spotted a couple along the road. We stopped so that our driver can give some bananas. And the entire monkey clan quickly appeared to share on the bounty.
On the way back, I instructed the driver to detour to Tree Top Adventures. Its one of the newer attractions that I've been thinking of seeing for some time. I think it replaces the Jungle Survival Training (JEST) camp as it incorporates some of its activities. In fact, its situated just right next to it.
Friday, November 6, 2009
How Many Internet and Phone Users In The Philippines
There were several interesting stats revealed during the various presentations. In 2008, the Philippines had 7.4M fixed line users and 68.1M mobile users. Internet penetration has reached 15%, or about 20M users. Of these, the PLDT group accounted for 1.2M -- that's for Broadband DSL + SmartBro. Globe had 379,000.
Even though mobile penetration is high, 3G usage is very low at 4%. Traditional 2.5G accounts for 12%, and good ol' 2G still has the lion share at 84%. Philippines is still predominantly a prepaid country with 97% using this mode of subscription.Saturday, October 17, 2009
Using Parallel Printer with New Motherboards
At first, I tried looking for a USB-to-parallel port adapter. Nobody seem to have stock until I found one at Park Square. I experimented with it for a couple of days but I couldn't get my NetProfit POS program to treat it like a real "LPTx" device. I tried sharing it and using net use to map it into "LPT2", to no avail.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Inno3D GeForce 9500 and LG 15-inch Touch Screen LCD
Since the LG touch screen uses a VGA connector, and the cheapest LCD screen (Hanns-G) I can get at PC Express also uses a VGA connector, I bought a PHP100 VGA-to-DVI adapter. That way, both monitors can be connected to the GeForce at the same time. Installing the Inno3D video drivers produces a small icon on the system tray that allows you to do quite a few things with your monitor -- horizontal span; vertical scan; and even flipping it 90-degrees to the right to make it portrait mode. And since the LG's screen can be pivoted between landscape and portrait mode, the two together allows one to setup a vertical layout desktop layout.
The modes that interested me were the horizontal span and the extended desktop. Under horizontal span, the two monitors are treated as one very wide monitor. So moving the mouse from one screen to the other is just a matter of pushing it over the edge of one monitor into the other. The Windows "Start" button is on the left monitor, while the system tray is on the right monitor. I can open the main order taking program on the left monitor, and the customer digital signage display on the right monitor. The only problem is it confuses the touch screen driver. The driver still thinks its on 1 monitor. So touching the upper right corner of the left monitor causes the mouse to run to the upper right corner of the right monitor. Obviously, this was not acceptable.
With Extended Desktop, the taskbar stays on one monitor while the other one looks like another regular desktop. From Windows' point of view, its really like having 2 x independent video cards connected to 2 x independent LCD monitors. So the touch screen driver works properly on the main monitor only and does not get confused. This is the mode that I want.
The GeForce driver seem to be emulating 2 x video adapters only because in reality, its only one. This makes it very different from notebooks which really seem to have 2 video adapters -- one for its built-in LCD display, and another for its external video out port. Because of the emulated environment, if you use 2 x different LCD resolution (eg. one at 1400x900 and another at 1024x768), it gives unpredictable results.
Modifying the POS to support 2 x monitors seem easy at first. I just followed what I did with my other test program on programming with multiple displays. But up to now, I still can't figure out why the 2nd display (the digital signage) still opens up on the same main screen. Hmm...
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Free Globe Tattoo with my HP Mini
Installation was pretty simple and trouble-free. You open the packaging; insert the SIM into the USB dongle; plug-in the dongle to the NetBook; and it pretty much installs itself. It seems that the dongle can even accomodate a mini SD card so that it will also act like a USB flash drive. But I wasn't too interested on that so I just installed the basic 3G module.
Unfortunately, ever since the the big typhoon, Globe wired and wireless service in Marikina has just been plain awful. Getting wireless signal is very spotty. Its been several weeks and they still haven't restored our landline service at the store. Using Tattoo at the store was just a major pain. The speed was unbelievably slow. Just clicking on a GMail email times out.
In frustration, I ended up just installing the Nokia PC Suite on the NetBook and plugged my Nokia 6210 Classic to the USB port. My phone uses Smart's 3G service.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Getting a Bite at Bite Club
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
UCPB Online Banking
The most basic ATM account just requires a minimum balance of PHP2,000. You can perform Funds Transfer to non-enrolled third party accounts. As a form of 2-factor authentication, it creates a one-time-use session password everytime you want to perform a funds transfer. This password can either be sent via SMS to your registered mobile number, or to your registered email address.
While the 2-factor authentication does provide an extra level of protection against improper use of the account, I wonder if they will cause as much hassle to legit users as both methods do not really offer any form of guaranteed delivery time. My previous experience with Standard Chartered's SMS-based authentication was not really positive. The delay of receiving the txt message was very significant that my session has already expired by the time it arrived.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
My First Netbook(s)
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Gasoline Leak at the Store
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Second Day of Store Cleaning
From YCMK Cleanup Day 2 |
It took a van and their truck 2 trips to pull out our ovens, dough roller, mixer, freezers, chillers and make table. A crew of about 10 were sent to help load the equipment onto the trucks. Since the food establishments around the area are still all closed, we brought lunch and drinking water for our cleanup crew.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Cleaning Up The Store After The Typhoon
Sunday, September 27, 2009
How The Telcos Fared During the Disaster
Saturday, September 26, 2009
The Worst Flood in Marikina History
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Programming with Windows Media Player and C#
I'm working on a prospective project that requires me to play mp3 files on our NetMachine kiosks. Under the old Windows system, one can play WAV files by calling some internal Windows functions. I've never tried playing mp3 or wma media files from an application so I did some research. While there are 3rd party libraries available, the best option seems to be to use the interfaces exposed by Windows Media Player (WMP). Since practically all Windows PC's come equipped with some version of WMP, it is fairly safe to assume that the components can be found in all these PC's.
Adding WMP to a C# application is very simpler. Just add a reference to the file wmp.dll in your Visual Studio project. Then from within your code, just create an instance; point to the source media file; and call play():
WMPLib.WindowsMediaPlayer player = new WMPLib.WindowsMediaPlayer();
player.URL = @"c:\My Music\somesong.wma";;
player.PlayStateChange += new WMPLib._WMPOCXEvents_PlayStateChangeEventHandler(player_PlayStateChange);
You can also access the playlists defined in WMP programmatically, and extract information about the media file (ex. the artist, song title, album title, etc.) through the IWMPMedia interface:
WMPLib.IWMPMedia objMedia = player.currentMedia;
listBox1.Items.Add(String.Format("[{0}] {1} by {2}",
There is a downloadable Windows Media Player SDK 10 at Microsoft. I'm not sure what more it adds to the components that are already built-in to Windows. I did not bother installing it anymore. I guess its just sample programs.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Programming with Multiple Monitors in Windows using C#
I have a couple of prospect projects that require the application to send 2 different outputs to 2 different monitors. While I have been curious for some time about exactly how do you install more than 1 video card/monitor onto a Windows box and extend your desktop, I've never really been pushed to find out. But because of this prospect, I assigned my tech guys to do some R&D using our notebooks.
It seems that all Notebooks have 2 x video cards built-in -- one going to the LCD display, and the other going to the external VGA port. I have always assumed that it was just 1 video card and that the VGA port is just like an "extension" of the LCD. But as it turned out, Windows treats them as 2 different video cards and you have to option of whether their output to be the same, or you want it to be in "extended desktop mode".
Detecting multiple screens under C# is very trivial. The only thing that makes it a bit tedious to work with is the fact that the Display names are null-terminated (C-style). Since C# does not work natively with null-terminated strings, you have to do a little bit of conversion to C#-style strings. The example below shows how to get device info and open a modeless window which will reside on the extended desktop.
Setting the bounds of the new window to that of the extended desktop and setting the WindowState to Maximized will cause the modeless window will eat up the entire extended desktop. Of course, this simplistic demo assumes there are only at most 2 monitors. In reality, according to other postings, Windows XP and Vista officially can support up to ten (10) video cards/monitors.
allScreens = Screen.AllScreens;
foreach (Screen screen in allScreens)
string deviceName;
int length = screen.DeviceName.IndexOf("\0");
if (length == -1)
deviceName = screen.DeviceName;
deviceName = screen.DeviceName.Substring(0, length);
ExtendedForm extForm = new ExtendedForm();
Then at the constructor of the Extended Window Form:
private void ExtendedForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
Screen screen;
Screen[] allScreens = Screen.AllScreens;
if (allScreens.Length == 1)
screen = allScreens[0];
screen = allScreens[1];
this.Bounds = screen.Bounds;
this.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized;
Monday, September 21, 2009
Checking Out La Mesa Ecopark
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Ethan's Birthday Party at LGV
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From Ethan's 3rd Birthday |
Thursday, September 17, 2009
My Linksys is Back
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
A Rotarian for A Day
Deceptive Celeteque Ad

The ad copy shows a comparison of a woman's photo - one supposedly taken from Week 1, and the other on Week 6. Now, it doesn't really take a genius to figure this out, but it is so blatantly obvious that the "Week 1" photo and the "Week 6" photo are one and the same. The only difference is the Week 6 photo went through some digital image manipulation to remove the wrinkles and whiten her complexion. But everything from the angle of the photo, the lighting effect, the facial expression, etc. point clearly to the fact that its the same photo!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Standard Chartered Cash Back Credit Card
- Cash back earned has to be redeemed manually. Their system does not automatically credit it to your payables. You have to call their call center and request for it. Undoubtedly, a lot of people will not bother, thus saving the bank some money.
- You must accumulate at least P500 before you can redeem your cash back credit. Very deceptive.
- The cash back credits have an expiration! So for those cardholders who do not reach the P500 minimum redeemable credits, they risk foregoing the entire amount! Sneaky!
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Panic at PAL
I hurried scanning my credit card and ID (had to leave my siopao behind) and ran to our fax machine. When I was a few feet away from the fax machine, it suddenly dawned on me -- our PLDT number at home has NDD disabled! Yikes! I did not enable it because in the past, we've racked up bills due to the maids calling their friends and relatives on their mobile.
So I had to go next door to my aunt (thank goodness for relatives/neighbors) and borrow her fax machine. Dialed the GenSan number of PAL where it rang... and rang... and rang... without answering! I gave Cols a call again on the mobile telling her I can't get through. And as it turned out, she was able to get her brother to pull some strings at the PAL office (you know how it is in the province where "connections" get you a long way).
I have bought tickets for Cols using my card several times in the past and this is the first time that the airline actually asked her for my card details. Or maybe it was because I mostly buy her Cebu Pacific tickets and CEB is not that strict whereas PAL is stricter. I guess all the credit card fraud is taking its toll in the airline industry. From what CEB told me, they previously required the passenger to show the card upon check-in, but eventually decided to stop doing it because it was too much of a hassle and that there were many legitimate purchases of one party of a ticket for another party (ie. the foreigner boyfriend buying ticket for his Filipina girlfriend -- how stereotypical).
Alternative forms of online payment like direct bank debit is really the better way to go. PayEasy will be supporting that hopefully by 1Q 2010.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Standard Chartered Online Banking Registration
Now, I would normally say that's an ingenious way of confirming one's identity. The only problem is the SMS delivery system seem to be very unreliable (or perhaps their SMS gateway is heavily clogged). But from the time I made the request until the time I actually received the SMS, it took more than an hour -- so much so that the time alloted for me to enter the code to continue with my activation has already expired.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Taking the Kids to Manila Ocean Park
If one has been to Hong Kong's Ocean Park, this place definitely pales in comparison by a mile. Manila Ocean Park is more of an aquarium. There are no sea animal shows or thrill rides. And perhaps most striking when you get there, is it seems to be more of a strip mall with semblances of "tiangges". The center atrium where everything converges had several people sitting in white plastic monoblock chairs. At first, I thought they were waiting to watch some shows on the makeshift stages. But as it turned out, they were all waiting for their turn to buy tickets!
From Manila Ocean Park |
There were only four (4) ticket counters. To give Manila Ocean Park management some credit, at least they don't let people stand on long queues for their turn. Instead, they have a ticketing system similar to some banks where you get a number then wait for your turn. That way, you can spend the time going through the shops (or sitting on the monoblock chairs). When I got our number, there were still more than 100 customers in front of us. So we went around to see the shops. Most are restaurants so there wasn't much to buy. We ended up killing time at Mrs. Fields where I ordered a chocolate shake and the kids ate their snacks.
When our number was finally flashed on the LED screen (this was about 40 mins later from the time I got our queue ticket), I rushed to the counter. The tickets were Php400 for me and yaya, and Php300 each for Ethan and Caitlin. We rushed to the Mermaid show which was scheduled to start at 5pm. Since we were already late, we were seated at the very back. I was expecting some ampitheater, but no -- it was just some dark room with, again, white monoblock chairs.
The mermaid show started about 10 mins after we got it. It was just about 5 women in mermaid costume doing some underwater routine. I was hoping that they would at least do some sort of synchronized swimming routine, but no such luck. It was really basic underwater swimming. Pretty lame. Ethan wasn't too much into it, but Caitlin at least sort of enjoyed the short show (while at the same time kept on commenting why these mermaids have to wear goggles).
When the show was about to end, the PA system announced that people can have their pictures taken with the mermaids behind the aquarium glass. But other than that, there was another mermaid at the back in a make shift photo booth just behind us. Since we were seated right there at the back, I quickly pulled the kids and we were the first in line to take picture with our mermaid. Ethan freaked out when he saw the mermaid so I ended up just taking Caitlin's photo with her.
From Manila Ocean Park |
After the mermaid show, we went in to the main aquarium area. It was actually not bad. There was a good collection of fishes. The props also looked pretty good. The main draw of course was the tunnel where you can see the stringrays swim above you.
From Manila Ocean Park |
We left Ocean Park close to 6pm already, and passed by for Dad at Dasma. Then we had an unscheduled dinner at Valle since it was getting quite late and I still had to go through some Accounting papers with Dad.
To Enrol or To Enroll -- That is the Question!
My knee-jerk reaction was -- that's a wrong spelling! It should be enroll. How can a school, no less, make a mistake in its own advertisement? Its just not acceptable for a place where children learn to spell to not know how to spell itself. But was it wrong? Is it really enrol or enroll?
Well, it sort of bothered me quite a bit, so much so that when I got home, I had to check the dictionary. And what do you know -- both enrol and enroll are correct! Turns out that the word can be spelled with either one or two el's. And it follows that enrolment and enrollment are also acceptable.